The VIAVI ATC-5000NG is an RF signal generator/receiver for testing Mode 3/A, C and S transponders. The ATC5000NG was designed with modern software defined radio technology and is the replacement product for the commercial functionality of the SDX-2000, ATC-1400A and S-1403DL
The ATC-5000NG is capable of performing most MOPS tests for DO-181E, DO-260, DO-260A, DO-260B, and DO-282B and is the ideal test equipment for engineering development, certification, manufacturing and service.
The ATC-5000NG tests the following:
- Transponders (Mode S/ADS-B Out)
- ADS-B In receivers
- UAT receivers
- 1090MHz DF18 Emitters (surface vehicles)
- ADS-B In Ground Station Receivers
- ADS-R, TIS-B Ground Station Transmitters
- DMEs
- Target generation – independently configure up to 600 ADS-B, TIS-B, or ADS-R target types (32 dynamic and 568 static); ATCNGOPT03 Multireceiver option required
- Software-driven design allows for field updates to add new features, capabilities or modifications
- ADS-B squitter decode and logging for ADS-B Out testing (DO-260, DO-260A and DO-260B data parsing)
- DO-260B MOPS preconfigured tests available (Option ATCNGOPT06)
- Generates ATCRBS/Mode S interrogations
- Multi-receiver test capability (ATCNGOPT03)
- UAT TX/RX capability (ATCNGOPT02)
- Pulse and frequency measurement
- Remote controlled via GPIB or Ethernet
- Two independent transmitters and receivers
- TX/RX data logging capability
- Legacy command set option
- Full diversity testing capability
- Data parsing in engineering units
- Internal pulse measurement capability eliminates need for oscilloscope
- Support for Air Traffic Control Modernization mandates (NextGen, SESAR)
- Modern architecture design will support future standards changes