MPM486 HART® intelligent pressure transmitter is an intelligent pressure measurement product with high accuracy, high stability, multi-parameter and four and a half digits LCD display. It conforms to HART® protocol. The users could manage, adjust or monitor the process variables by HART® communicator, and it could also be configurated by key-press at local working place.

The product uses the most advanced digital technique, temperature compensation, linearity correction and reliable ex-proof construction for production. The whole product has high accuracy, wider temperature compensation range and standard signal output to measure flow pressure precisely.

MPM486 transmitter is 2-wire instead of 4~20mADC analog output, can be communicated with Micro Sensor ROSEMOUNT 275 hand-communicator and MS-H375 hand-communicator together. Electromagnetic radiation conforms to IEC801 standard.


  • 4~20mA current output together with HART® (2-wire);
  • digital compensation and linearity correction;
  • -10℃ ~80℃ digital wider temperature compensation;
  • Local and long-distance zero, range adjustment;
  • Local key operation, easy configuration;
  • Protection IP65.
