HXI LLC is a leading supplier of millimeter-wave products, including point-to-point radio links, transceivers for radars and communications systems, plus a wide range of component-level products up to 110 GHz. Among their component products are LNAs, power amplifiers, mixers and upconverters, frequency multipliers, switches, detectors, oscillators and isolators/circulators.
HXI was originally founded to provide 60 GHz radio links for the Japanese and American markets – Today, their standard point-to-point radio links include digital radio links at 60 GHz (V-Band) and 70/80 GHz (E-Band). HXI also provides analog links and digital links to custom specifications for specialized applications.
Components / Waveguide Bends & Twists
Waveguide Twists
HTW series available in standard 90 degree configuration or by special order, 45 degree configuration from WR-42 through WR-5.
Waveguide Bends
HEB and HHB series available in standard 90 degree configuration or by special order, 30, 45 or 60 degree configurations from WR-42 to WR-5.
Flanged Waveguide
HST Series available in standard or custom lengths from WR-42 through WR-5 waveguide sizes
Components / Coaxial Coaxial Adapters
Power Amplifiers | HMPA & HHPA
Low Noise Amplifiers | HLNA Series
Components / Coaxial Coaxial Attenuators and Terminations
Digital Attenuator | HDA040-069 Series
Range from DC to 40 GHz in 6-bit operation. Attenuation bit values are 0.5 dB (LSB)
Components / Coaxial Coaxial Couplers, Divider, Combiners and OMT
Active Multipliers
HAFM-Series available in models ranging from 20 to 100 GHz. Coaxial and waveguide interface versions
Test & Measurement / Amplifiers High Power Amplifiers
HMPA & HHPA Series | Medium and High Power Amplifiers
Test & Measurement / Amplifiers Low Noice Amplifiers
HLNA Series | 20 to 100 GHz
Components / Waveguide Mixers, Multipliers and Phase Shifters
Balanced Mixers & Upconverters
HBM series of balanced mixers and the HBUC series of balanced upconverters cover the waveguide bands from 18 – 110 GHz.
Passive Multipliers | HMM
HMM Series Multipliers | From 18 – 100 GHz. | Broadband frequency coverage | Waveguide output interfaces | Small, low cost
Active Multipliers
HAFM-Series available in models ranging from 20 to 100 GHz. Coaxial and waveguide interface versions
Components / Coaxial RF Switches & Switch Matrices
PIN Diode Switches | HSW & HSWM Series
Components / Waveguide Waveguide Attenuators & Terminators
HVA Series
HVA Series broadband PIN Diode attenuators covers the waveguide bands from 18 to 110 GHz.
Components / Waveguide Waveguide Circulators and Isolators
HFBI Series
Full band Faraday-type isolators are available from WR-28 through WR-10 waveguide sizes (26.5 to 110 GHz).
Series HMID
Double Ferrite Junction Isolators available to cover 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz
Components / Waveguide Waveguide Oscillatorer
HGM & HGV Series
Gunn Oscillator and VCO’s cover the frequency range from 7 to 110 GHz. Available with either mechanical or electrical tuning.
Components / Waveguide Waveguide Switches
Precision Manual Waveguide Switches
HMSW series of precision manual waveguide 4-port switches are available from WR-42 through WR-10 waveguide sizes (18 to 110 GHz).
Myymme HXI tuotteita näissä luokissa:
Bends & Twists, Coaxial Adapters, Coaxial Attenuators and Terminations, Coaxial Couplers, Divider, Combiners and OMT, High Power Amplifiers, Low Noice Amplifiers, Mixers, Multipliers and Phase Shifters, RF Switches & Switch Matrices, Waveguide Attenuators & Terminators, Waveguide Circulators and Isolators, Waveguide Oscillatorer, Waveguide Switches,